Net Zero Solar is a Full-Service Solar Installation Company

We don't just design and install your system.

We support it—and you—for its long life.

We pride ourselves on providing thorough, friendly, and expert support for all our customers and their systems. As we see it, our job isn't over when the system is installed; it's just beginning. We're in it for the life of your system, and you're part of the Net Zero Solar family! That means that if there's an issue, we're here for you. And our customers tell us this is one of the Net Zero Solar benefits they appreciate most.

We've compiled this page of support documents, as well as one for videos. These pages provide information to address basic questions, educate you about your system, and empower you to explore solar further. But we know a web page is no substitute for the personal touch! if you have any question or problem, we're here to help. Don't hesitate to call: 520-207-4053.

Support Documents

Where Does Your Energy Flow with Solar?

How Does My Solar Electric System Work with the New Export Rates?

How Does Net Metering Work with My Electric Bill?

What's a Residential Demand Charge?

Enphase Energy: System owners support

Enphase Energy: My system has stopped reporting data. How do I fix this?